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Empecé a leer cómics a la misma vez que aprendí  a leer y, desde entonces, no he parado de hacerlo. En todas estas décadas he leído cómics buenos, regulares y no tan buenos, pero siempre he creído que el lenguaje secuencial es la mejor -y más idónea- puerta de entrada para leer tanto letras como imágenes. Ahora leo más cómics digitales que físicos, pero el formato me sigue pareciendo igualmente válido y sigo considerando el cómic un arte.


When did Kulku-Katin Poika open its doors? Why did you decide to open a comic-book shop instead of a flower shop, a restaurant or a laundry?

On the 4th of February 1986. It is blood heritage because my father had different businesses throughout the 20th century, one of which was Kulku-Katti. How was the market going when the comic shop started? How were the customers then? Do you miss something from that time? The first two months were difficult but then I got a good buy from colleague Simo Sjöblom and I also got his customers. I do not miss anything from that time.

How would you describe the market nowadays? Marginal but the range of products is wide.

Do you believe comic books will disappear in favour of their electronic counterparts, except for highly expensive collector’s editions? I do not believe this will happen.

Kulku-Katin Poika offers whoever goes inside the possibility to see and buy comics from the last fifty years. Do you consider this to be one of Kulku-Katin Poika’s main appeals? It could be. Most of the turnover though comes from the sale of new comics, then used comics and last collectibles.

Are comic books one of the first gateways in the process of learning how to read, and reading for pleasure? It is alleged that up 60% of the children in Finland will learn to read with Donald Duck’s help.

Should parents go with their children to comic book shops to help the latter become avid readers? Initially yes. Then the children have the courage to come alone.

If someone visits Helsinki, what does your book shop offers that, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to find in other places? I can offer out-of-publishing comics, both old and collectable comics.

How would you like people to remember Kulku-Katin Poka if this were its last year open? I would like to think the store will be open for another 20 years, and if my child does not continue with it and no other entrepreneur wants my store then I hope my customers buy comics from my colleagues.

Läntinen Brahenkatu 12. 0510 Helsinki.

Phone: +358 9738303

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Empecé a leer cómics a la misma vez que aprendí  a leer y, desde entonces, no he parado de hacerlo. En todas estas décadas he leído cómics buenos, regulares y no tan buenos, pero siempre he creído que el lenguaje secuencial es la mejor -y más idónea- puerta de entrada para leer tanto letras como imágenes. Ahora leo más cómics digitales que físicos, pero el formato me sigue pareciendo igualmente válido y sigo considerando el cómic un arte.
