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Grants for audiovisual or video game projects and financing for startups led by women in the Canary Islands

audiovisual videojuegos

Impulsa Innovación


The Spanish Government has also announced the launch this Saturday, July 9, of the call for grants for experimental and innovative projects in the audiovisual and video game field through technologies associated with the metaverse and Web 3, aimed at SMEs and freelancers with projects of between 15,000 and one million euros.

The Next Tech Fund, managed by the ICO, has also been launched, which has already made its first two investments in funds for disruptive companies in the technological field, and the ENISA financing line has been launched to support the female digital entrepreneurship, from which 75 entrepreneurs have already benefited.

Likewise, after the funds have been transferred to the autonomous communities, in the autumn the main national programs will be launched for digital inclusion of the entire population throughout the territory, training of SME managers, retraining of workers and training of digital specialists.

“Spain is at the forefront in the deployment of the Recovery Plan”

All these actions place Spain as the leading Member State in the deployment of the Recovery Plan, having been the first country to request the first and second payment thanks to the fulfillment of milestones and objectives, as announced on the 8th in an act The presentation of the Spain Digital Agenda update for the 2026 horizon was presented at a ceremony at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, with the participation of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

In this sense, the executive vice president of the European Commission and Commissioner for Competition and Digital, Margrethe Vestager, has congratulated Spain for its “impressive work” with the Recovery Plan, being “clearly at the forefront” in the deployment of the same. The Spanish Plan, she has said, is totally aligned with the European vision for the 2030 horizon and will represent a transformative impulse for the country.

The Minister for Universities, Joan Subirats, also took part in the act, who has set the goal of ensuring that technological debate is present in all university curricula, taking advantage of the capacity of 83 universities throughout Spain, with 1.6 million students and 160,000 teachers.

The Ministry of Universities has launched UniDigital, aid aimed at promoting investment in infrastructures, technological developments and teaching innovation projects to improve academic resources in digitization; reduce the digital gap of academic staff and students; promote inter-university digital innovation projects of a strategic and interdisciplinary nature, and promote digital training, with the aim of achieving an increase in the “University Digitization Index”.

The priority of the Ministry of Universities is to make it easier for universities to become central actors in the digital transformation processes that are taking place in our societies.

The Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, has indicated that after the pandemic, the challenge for industry, commerce and tourism is to repair the damage caused in a context of technological and productive changes. “We will mobilize more than 30,000 million euros of public investment that allow coordinating the actions of the public and private sectors through the development of the value chains of driving sectors, contributing to their transformation and modernization”, she emphasized.

In turn, the Minister for Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, has stressed the Government's firm commitment to increasing incentives for private investment in R&D, especially through the different lines of subsidies offered by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) and financed in part with the Next Generation recovery funds.

“We know that innovation always carries an intrinsic risk. Sometimes you win and other times what you invest is not recovered. And this Government wants to be together with companies in these societal challenges, winning and losing with them, in a new model of an entrepreneurial state”, he pointed out.
