La palabra de la semana en inglés: “self-management”
Como cada semana, vamos a aprender inglés con la academia Atlantic Group*, que nos propone una palabra relacionada con Malasaña para aumentar nuestro vocabulario en ese idioma:
self-management (noun): management of or by oneself; the taking of responsibility for one's own behavior and well-being. The distribution of political control to individual regions of a state, esp. as a form of socialism practiced by its own members. (más información y significados de esta palabra).
Estos días la podemos usar en el siguiente párrafo:
There are lots and lots of associations and groups in Malasaña that are organized by self-management. Just recently, ESIA has opened its doors to help us learn to self-manage our health. Solar Maravillas community space and A2Manos time bank are both self-managed. And this week Patio Maravillas, a self-managed social center, is celebrating its 6th anniversary!ESIAA2Manos time bankPatio Maravillas
What other neighborhood examples of self-management do you know about?
Más idiomas en Somos Malasaña:
* Atlantic Group es patrocinador de Somos Malasaña. Si tú también quieres serlo, escribe a contacto@somosmalasana.eldiario.esAtlantic Group